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Structure • Discipline • Community

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Find wholeness & healing through Kung fu.

AJ Project Hammer Charity

A New Approach To Healing & Wholeness for Military Vets

For many of our military vets, sitting in a traditional therapists office can hold little appeal, despite the clear need for treatment. Project Hammer provides an alternative method for healing our wounded warriors – Shaolin Kung Fu, which has many of the same support structures found in the military.


Training in Kung Fu provides a familiar daily routine. 


Find the strength to train hard and master yourself.


Accountability and respect are built into the structure.


Never walk alone with our supportive group.

Our Mission

The purpose of Project Hammer is to provide funding for those Military Vets that will benefit from the healing power of Kung fu. It’s all about making this form of therapy available to as many Vets as possible, regardless of their financial situation.

How You Can Help

Project Hammer is a non-profit organization with the sole mission to help provide Military Vets access to the healing arts of Shaolin Kung Fu. We rely on the generous support of our community to help raise the funds that allow us to help more Vets.

We appreciate any and all support you can provide.

Sean ‘Hammer’ Hanrahan

Sgt Sean Hammer Hanrahan

Sgt. Sean ‘Hammer’ Hanrahan

“Project Hammer is named after my battle buddy, Sean Hanrahan, who we called ‘the Hammer.’

He was a well rounded guy that looked to have everything together , but once he got home and lost the military support structure, he fell into depression and ended up taking his own life.

As his battle buddy, I felt I could have done more. I started Project Hammer as a way to help prevent this from happening again.”

 AJ Price – Founder, Project Hammer


The Power of Kung Fu

Kung Fu is about helping people with the biggest fight of all – mastering oneself. Kung Fu can help restore one’s sense of purpose and identity, in an environment that provides structure, discipline, and familiarity for Military Vets.  Shaolin Kung Fu provides an alternative for Military Vets to find wholeness and healing from trauma, PTSD, and combat stress.

Ptsd & Trauma

Meditation & mindfulness provide coping and healing.

Self Worth

Gain confidence, walk tall, and look the world in the eye.


Build strength and fitness – healthy body, healthy mind.


Learn how to restore and heal family relationships.

Meaning & Purpose

Discover your true purpose and find meaning in life.

Self Mastery

Overcome your greatest oppontent – you.


Find your balance in order to live a whole life.


Find and develop lifelong friendships.

Are You A Military Vet?

If you are interested in exploring how Kung Fu can help you and you want to see how Project Hammer can help, please contact us.

Train at Nam Yang for healing from PTSD and trauma

8 + 5 =

Training in Nam Yang, Thailand

Project Hammer has partnered with Nam Yang Kung Fu, a retreat nestled in the northern mountains of Thailand.

Nam Yang is led Shaolin Kung fu Master Iain Armstrong, who is the only Western Kung fu Master that can trace his lineage back to the founders of Shaolin Kung fu 1,500 years ago.

With professional training rooms and equipment, including weapons, Nam Yang is fully geared to provide the highest level of support for Military Vets.